17 jun 2015

Android 5.1 begins to reach the 2014 Motorola Moto G

Android 5.1 comienza a llegar a los Motorola Moto G 2014 españoles
If Motorola is leading the manufacturers concerned keep their most famous or popular terminals it is for something and now he once again demonstrates announcing the Motorola Moto G 2014 Spaniards are starting to upgrade to Android 5.1 version Lollipop.
Therefore, they come great news for owners of the Motorola Moto G 2014, as if they have not yet received, will soon have the corresponding OTA on their phones that they will receive the latest version of the Google operating system, Android 5.1 Lollipop both those which have a free terminal to those of some operators such as Telstra.

The news comes to us through our fellow MovilZona , but can also be seen as through Spain Motorola profile in the social network Twitter, the company itself confirms this, saying that they have worked hard to bring Android 5.1 to the Moto G. on the same network it has been where also has been seen as the company Yoigo also confirmed the arrival of Android 5.1 to the Moto G Lollipop G4 Spanish.


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